Rivalry is Right On

When Ateneo and La Salle would battle it out on the basketball court in 1968, could you predict who’d win? If they rumbled on the streets in those days could you predict who’d be harmed? If an Atenean and La Sallite fell for the same Maryknoller could you predict who’d win her heart? What if the guys were cousins?

In Rivalry, written and Directed by Jaime del Mundo, with Ed Gatchalian as story creator, composer, and producer- you’ll be at the edge of your seat to discover the outcome, tapping your feet to the music and laughing your way to the NCAA championship.

The Atenean basketball MVP, Paco, is all set to lead his team’s way to the finals of the 1968 NCAA games. It just so happens his cousin Tommy, the La Sallite basketball MVP, is just as hungry for the title. It is Quito, Paco’s brother, who tries to remind them basketball isn’t everything.

Quito is level-headed about competition until he lays eyes on Reena, the beautiful Maryknoller who would rather read a hundred books than have a boyfriend. Quito begs Tommy – who could woo women wonderfully, to meet her and introduce her to him.

Tommy agrees, but betrays Quito when Tommy falls in love with Reena before introducing them. As the NCAA finals approach and Quito’s heart breaks, hatred drives him to fight in rumble after an Ateneo-San Beda game, and he gets injured.

The energy is charged as the ensemble cast sings lyrics by Joel Trinidad. To assemble such a size of the cast to sing and dance is challenging, yet they do it with flying colors . . . blue and green.

Some even sing while doing pushups while warming up for the big game! The basketball teams throw hoops while singing and their stage audience sing cheer and chant the choruses. The lyrics move the story forward song by song as they near the final of the televised championships. The TV audience pulls their hair out while anticipating the outcome – and then, at home, to the moving music of Ed Gatchalian . . . Noel Trinidad sings!

Noel Trinidad, the TV comedy legend and father of Joel, plays the grandfather and his singing brings smiles to the young audience’s lips, and laughter from their six packs. He displays his decades of experience on TV and stage as he brings the house down.

I graduated from La Salle Green Hills, so during the intermission I was curious about who the audience took sides with. I wandered the Meralco Theater lobby listening to people guess who’ll win the finals and who’ll win Reena. One girl was introducing her date to everybody she knew, “This is my date . . . he’s from La Salle!!!” Needless to say… he was gorgeous.

If you were a student in 1968, could you predict who would win the NCAA basketball championship, Ateneo or La Salle? Go back in time and live, or relive, those days and cheer for blue or green. You will be surprised.

Catch Rivalry on Wednesdays to Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 3pm and 8pm, and Sundays at 3pm, ongoing until March 11, 2012 at the Meralco Theater, Ortigas Avenue corner Meralco Ave. Ortigas Center, Pasig City.

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