Christmas Party

Though the Christmas season in the Philippines is the longest, it is also the most hectic. Just because it starts in September and end in January, doesn’t mean that people have an easier time spreading out their activities.

Despite all of the office parties, the traffic, and the last minute shopping, it is always great to see old friends and family.

Last weekend, my friends and I were able to squeeze in a night for our annual Christmas party. And, as usual, the night was filled with the funniest discussions and the most passionate arguments.

And the beauty of it all is though things can get loud, no one ever takes things personally because the discussions never are personal, just passionate.

So what do we talk about? Just like this website, we talk about anything under the sun. Whether it is politics, business, government, morality, and extraordinary experiences, no topic is sacred.

Not only are the topics free flowing, the repartee comes in rapid-fire speeds that people who are not used to it tend to become overwhelmed.

And while the discussion can escalate to something nasty when it is an all-boys night, the presence of girls adds a sense of moderation to the discussions.

Yes, this Christmas season has been one of the most hectic I’ve had in years. But that one night, when families and friends get together, life has a way of recharging one’s batteries for another year.

Merry Christmas to one and all!

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