No Kids Allowed Rules

Just because kids are a bundle of joy and are the hope of the future doesn’t mean we should take them everywhere with us. Just like everything in life, kids have their time and place too.

So whenever I attend a non-kiddie affair where children are brought along, I can’t help but cringe at how inconsiderate their parents are to others.

General Rule

As a general rule, parents should never bring their child to any party or gathering without being sure that kids can be accommodated.

So if in doubt, leave the little ones at home. It is better to regret not bringing them than to regret having to drag them along.

At least for the former, only you will be inconvenienced. But if you bring children to a gathering for adults only, you spoil the party for everyone, maybe even for your kids.

No Kids Allowed Rule

So when are the times when kids are not allowed? Generally, these are parties or gatherings where adults get to talk about adult stuff only.

So if you are unsure, play it safe and keep these No Kids Allowed Rules, or NKA Rules, in mind whenever you are invited to that gathering.

NKA Rule #1: Do not bring kids to school reunions

The topics of choice during reunions center around life in school. That normally means revisiting a time when people were not married, have no responsibilities, and had tons of heartaches.

It is a time when everyone in the room is young again, even if it is just for a few short hours.

Taking kids to this type of activity just spoils the mood for everyone.

Not only is everyone reminded by their own kids and responsibilities, they also won’t be able to get away from their problems like lack of work, high mortgages, and even marital problems.

If you have kids, please be considerate and let your classmates be young again for just a few hours by leaving the little ones at home. These parties tend to occur only once a year and I’m sure you can do without your kids for just one evening in those 365 days of the year.

And while you’re at it, skip taking your spouse or girlfriend too. That is, unless she is part of your graduating class. While an outsider is not a child, her presence will just serve to stifle those juicy conversations.

Another thing you need to be mindful of is that other adults will end up taking care of your kids because you can’t guard them 100% of the time. Even taking a nanny doesn’t guarantee that your kids won’t disturb others.

Not only is that inconsiderate, it is downright cruel. Expect to be avoided the rest of the year if you do that to your classmates.

NKA Rule #2: Do not bring kids to office affairs

Unless your office specifies that it is a bring-your-child-to-the-office day, you need to leave the little one at home.

This actually has its basis in an older rule, which is “Never mix business with pleasure.”

The reason that it is a good idea to follow the older rule is because mixing your personal life with your business one can hurt both.

In the office, you constantly need to keep watching your back from people who want to take credit for your accomplishments, replace you with themselves for your promotion, and even put someone else in your job. Any weakness can and will be exploited by your peers in the cutthroat world of the office jungle.

So bringing the little ones that make you go goo-goo and gaga while making funny faces leaves you vulnerable.

Not only that, but not everybody like kids. And that may include your immediate supervisor, your department manager, your regional manager, or your president.

What makes matters worse is if that little tyke of yours happens to shatter that $500,000 sculpture in the lobby, you can kiss your kid’s college fund, your home, and your vacations goodbye.

NKA Rule #3: Do not bring kids or toys to weddings

Unless your kid is the ring bearer or flower girl, weddings are not the ideal place to bring children too.

Even if kids are invited, you may want to rethink dragging them along with you.

For starters, the wedding will be populated by grown-ups who may be cracking one green joke after another. And while they may start off being dirty limericks or naughty jokes, expect them to devolve into the racier or outright explicit ones as the alcohol starts flowing.

Secondly, there is absolutely nothing that will appeal to a child’s mind in a wedding. There are no areas to play in, they can’t run around in their formal attire, they can’t make a lot of noise, and they cannot play with their toys.

Speaking of toys, this is another no-no in weddings. Toys should never be brought along because this is not a public playground. It is kind of like wearing house clothes to a formal gathering. Each thing has a place for it, and toys together with kids have no place in the adult affair of weddings.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, three rules where no kids are allowed. They’ve been tried and tested over the years and are still relevant today.

But if you happen to be unsure of a certain situation, always refer to the General Rule, which basically states that if you’re in doubt, do not go about bringing kids.

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