Summer is Creeping in to the Philippines

The temperature in Metropolitan Manila hit a low of 15.8 degrees Centigrade, with Baguio going even lower to 8.1 degrees. The last time I remember it being that cold was when I was still a kid in Grade School. And just like then, I love it!

I have wonderful memories of celebrating the Christmas season in warm sweaters while drinking cup after cup of hot chocolate specially made by my Mom. Even my teenage years had me sporting the latest jackets of the time and still drinking her hot chocolate.

[Good times, good times…]

This season, it has been an interesting experience to once more break out the thick blankets to stay warm at dawn, increase the temperature of the shower heater to keep from screaming at night, and slap on moisturizer to keep my skin from cracking all day.

[Well, my skin isn’t the same as it was in Grade School.]

And since it’s been so cold, my ever-faithful four-legged friend Baldy, has become a little bit more affectionate, as he forcibly snuggles close just to stay warm

[He’s been trying to sneak in to my bed for a while.]

Table of Contents

Bad News

Yesterday, I woke up to a warm morning. And to my disappointment, PAGASA, or the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, announced that the cold weather will be coming to an end.

An earlier forecast stated that it would be with us till the end of February, but the weakening northeast monsoon has pulled it a couple of weeks earlier. Two weeks is not much, I know. But it’s been so long since the Philippines experienced such low temperatures and I am still relishing it.

[Looks like the happy days of Baldy will be over soon.]

Good News

But the news isn’t all bad because I’ve had a non-stop morning cold for this past month or so. This morning was the first time I didn’t have to carry a roll of toilet paper around the house with me. It is also the first time in a while when my throat wasn’t dry and itchy.

Even better news is that my family has just been invited to go to the beach in the last week of February. When I accepted the invitation, I was worried about the cool weather because the sea doesn’t have a heater like my shower does. And for people my age, cold water will mean staying out of it.

[Even Baldy wouldn’t get in.]

But now that warmer temperatures are arriving, it can’t come soon enough. Our beach trip demands hot weather and I am glad we’ll be getting it.

The bad news is that climate change means it will be another scorcher of a year. And from the initial reports of PAGASA, that means that the heat may go way past May this year.

[Baldy’s gonna be grumbling about the heat again.]

Oh well, I guess we can’t have it all. It’ll either be too hot or too cold in the world thanks to. So my faithful pooch and I might as well make the most of it.

[C’mon summer!]

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