Summer Dreams

The heat of summer brings with it the opportunity to take the vacation that we have long been sought out, take up a hoppy that we have put on the back burner, or just spend time with the family as they enjoy time away from school.

For me, the summer heat brings another thing with it – dreams.

While I may not remember all the dreams I have after waking up during the rest of the year, the dreams I have during summer are the ones that seem to have the biggest effect on me.

Whether it is to extract an emotional response or just to recall details of my dream, somehow the heat of summer makes it possible.

What My Dreams are to Me

Now before any of you psychiatrists, psychologists, dream interpreters, and overly superstitious people jump at the chance of interpreting my dreams, stop! You’ll just be wasting your time.

I suggest looking for some rich heiress with daddy issues whom you can charge exorbitant hourly rates because even if I did have money, I would spent it on you.

Over the years that I have studied my own dreams, I have come to the conclusion that dreams are the results is the result of only two things.

The first is that my mind creates dreams because it wants to get extremely creative.

And since being asleep gets rid of all the inhibitions and rules in of the real world, such as physics, my mind can really go to town when I am sleeping.

The second is that my mind does this to release stress.

So when I wake up emotionally drained from a dream, it just means that my mind underwent a series of stress-releasing dreams.

The nice thing about these dreams is that they run much deeper than stress release activities I do when I’m awake.

So even if I end up doing the most grueling run or playing the toughest computer game and come out relaxed, it is nothing compared to the deep calmness I end up feeling after an emotional dream.

Dreams About Solving Problems

I have heard of people being able to solve problems, such as the one that dreamt by Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz.

I know, I know. This name is a mouthful.

And if it makes any difference, it actually took me a while to research it on the internet.

All I remembered about this particular example was that a scientist dreamt of how atoms stuck together or something

And since I wanted a scientific high to start off this article before closing with a disgusting low, the name Friedrich August Kekulé von Stradonitz appears here.

Hey, he seemed to fit the bill, so I’m sticking to him.

To continue, this person was credited in discovering the formation of Chemical or Organic Structure Theory, leading to the discover of Benzene.

I know what you’re thinking; you probably had the same reaction I had, which was “Sooo…?”

Well, it turns out that Benzene is a very important organic chemical compound.

It was once used as an additive for gasoline not too long ago. It is an industrial solvent, used in early basic industrial chemicals. Without it, the use of drugs, plastics, synthetic rubber, and dyes would not be possible.

So we owe a lot of our present materials to a dream.

How I wish I had dreams like these. But the closest I ever got was to come near to solving a formula I needed to master for a test back in college.

With the operative words being “come near to,” I never really understood that calculus formula and proceeded to fail that exam despite studying night.

Oh well.

Dreams About Finding Things

You ever meet one of those people who claim to be able to find lost things for you?

This was a popular topic a while back and there was a time when the television featured real-life psychics.

But despite all the light and scripts, meeting a real live psychic is just like meeting regular people. They have regular flaws, with some being egomaniacs. And there are some really nice, soft-spoken ones.

Some of these people were referred to my family years by family friends who were helped. Unfortunately, I have yet to meet someone who had the power to actually help me out.

Somehow they always had the power to help everyone else but me.

Now that’s not to say they are quacks, as very reliable relatives would stake their reputations, and even lives, on them. It’s just that they never worked when I lost stuff.

How I wish I had this type of dream. Why I could hide stuff in the most unlikely places and still be able to find it.

You got that right! No more lost remote controls!

Dreams About the Future

Now who wouldn’t like to dream of the future? I certainly would!

Imagine the ability to predict when a natural calamity would occur of to see what stocks would make a lot of money.

Not only would I be able to build my home on the safest place on earth, I could build a mansion out the huge money I get from buying stocks.

Another thing I could do if I had such dreams on demand is to see what lines or moves would be most effective in meeting girls. I’d be awesome, with absolutely not failing record.

But then one incident brought me back to earth.

One drop-dead gorgeous girl summed it all up for me when I tried to make my patented moves on her. After all that was said and spent, she said, “In your dreams!”

Yup lady, that’s where I’d like to be at, but I’m not that kind of guy.

I only dream about releasing stress and creative science fiction stuff.


Dreams About Procreation

Alright, I added this last category as I was hoping that my thinking hard would enable that drop-dead gorgeous girl to visit me in my dreams.

So far, it hasn’t worked. Even the hottest summer heat can’t even get her to show up as a guest during slumber.

Getting back to the topic on hand, for those of you who are entering puberty, don’t worry about it. It’s just your hormones kicking into overdrive.

It’s those same hormones that make filling up the forum section of men’s magazines easy. Just think, you can have several of them in a night. And when you add up a month’s worth of dreams, you have enough to fill several years of printing.

All you need to do is remember just a portion of those juicy scenes and you’d be making big bucks this summer. All you’ll need is a place to sleep, a towel, and several changes of underwear. Hey it beats mowing the lawn somewhere.

Now if you are in your thirties or even middle-aged, you may want to see the psychiatrists, psychologists, dream interpreters, and overly superstitious people I avoided above.

What you’re experiencing ain’t normal. You definitely need a helping hand, preferably someone else’s and not your own.

Why? Because you can go blind silly.

Dream on

We are now at the conclusion of this article and I have absolutely no idea how to end it.

I was thinking of ending it the way I started, with something highly scientific, but useless stuff. But then after realizing how much research I need to do, I decided to skip that option all together.

So instead of that, I will say that summer is truly upon us and if you happen to have a lot of dreams, don’t worry about it. It’s just the heat making its way from the environment to your brain.

Some of you may be like me, in the sense that your dreams have absolutely no monetary value to you when awake.

Don’t feel bad, at least your dreams are still good at keeping you happy by releasing all that negative stress when you sleep.

So dream on!

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