Dream Tidbits

When I came home from work last night, there was a brochure of several places in Palawan on our dinner table.

Knowing that it is one of the most beautiful places in the world, I picked it up after dinner and went through it. I wasn’t disappointed as the pictures were truly stunning to behold.

After quickly going through all the pages, I put it back down and didn’t give it anymore thought until this morning.

In last night’s dream, my entire family and I had gone to Palawan for vacation.

But when I remember the place, it was not like the pictures in the brochures at all. However, I had this nagging feeling I’ve seen it before.

Well, with the place still floating in mind, I decided to do a bit of internet research on dreams and came up with a short list below.

Dream Tidbits

Everybody Dreams

All human beings dream, with the only exception being people with extreme psychological disorders.

Now if you think you are not dreaming, don’t worry, I don’t about it. It just means that you forget your dreams when you wake up.

You Forget 90% of Your Dreams

Within five minutes of waking, half of the last dream you had will be forgotten. Within ten minutes, 90% will be gone.

However, you may have some traces of the dream left. This tends to be the lingering effect of you knowing that you had a dream but can’t put your finger on it.

Animals Dream as Well

Studies have been done on many different animals, and they all show the same brain waves during dreaming sleep as humans.

In my case, all the dogs we have had undergo what seem to be dreams. Some appear to be running, with rear paws cycling; others would whimper as if frustrated; while other would growl and bark.

Men and Women are Different

On one hand, men tend to dream more about other men, with about 70% of the characters being other men. Their dreams also tend to have more aggressive emotions in their dreams than the women.

On the other hand, women’s dreams contain almost an equal number of men and women.

Blind People Dream Too

People who became blind after birth can see images in their dreams.

For those who were born without sight, images are not part of their dreams. However, they still have dreams that are just as vivid. The difference is that they involve their other senses, such as those involving sound, smell, touch, and emotions.

People Who Quit Smoking Dream Vividly

Long time smokers who quit appear to have more vivid dreams than normal.

In a study in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology reported that for smokers abstinent between 1 and 4 weeks, 33% reported at least 1 dream about smoking.

In most dreams, the people caught themselves smoking and felt strong negative emotions, such as panic and guilt.

These same people rated their dreams as being more vivid than the usual ones they had.

The Longest Dreams are in the Morning

Most adults dream on and off every 90 minutes. The longest ones are 30-45 minutes in duration and take place in the morning.


Electroencephalogram studies show that brain waves while dreaming are similar to the ones of a person who is awake.


Negative emotions are much more common than positive ones in dreams, with the most prevalent being anxiety.

Wet Dreams

Sexual dreams take place ten percent and below of the time and are more common in in the young to mid-teens.

In the case of men and women, about eight percent of their dreams have sexual content. In some cases, these dreams may result in nocturnal emissions and is more commonly known as the wet dream.

Well, there you have it, ten dream tidbits I came across on the internet. Hopefully, the next time you dream, you’ll be a bit more enlightened than puzzled in the morning.

Pleasant dreams!

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