Christmas Party

Though the Christmas season in the Philippines is the longest, it is also the most hectic. Just because it starts in September and end in January, doesn’t mean that people have an easier time spreading out their activities. Despite all of the office parties, the traffic, and the last minute shopping, it is always great…

Halloween Weekend

Man, this has been one tough week. After spending a four day-weekend to celebrate Halloween and All Saint’s Day, we have another three day weekend coming up. This has made the three days in between the toughest I have ever had in years. Not that work is heavy. On the contrary, work is so light,…

A Nice Sunny Day

In a tropical country like the Philippines, sun and heat are in abundance. And while the rains do help in arresting the high temperatures, nothing beats a dry afternoon. Take the weekend as an example. During a normal Sunday afternoon, I was sitting on a lounge chair with my trusty pooch dozing by my side….

The End of Summer

Summer is coming to a close. The first rainy season typhoon for hit last weekend and the weather bureau is predicting two more will arrive before May is over. And with the month of June just a few weeks away, classes all over the Philippines will begin once more. Kids from all over the country…

Summer Dreams

The heat of summer brings with it the opportunity to take the vacation that we have long been sought out, take up a hoppy that we have put on the back burner, or just spend time with the family as they enjoy time away from school. For me, the summer heat brings another thing with…

Post-Christmas Tips

The holiday season is over but it does not stop there. It’s time to clean out our homes and pack all those decorations. On my end, we have practiced the same ritual year-after-year: Christmas Tree Make sure to wash your plastic Christmas Trees and garlands before storing them. Since they would have accumulated a lot…