Annoying Habits Part 1 – The Office

Working in a big company is rather interesting. One is able to interact with so many different types of personalities on a daily basis.

Each one has their quirks. But here are some of the annoying ones.


The person who has to use the speaker phone when their hands are free to hold the receiver

I don’t get it. Does everyone on the floor really need to let the whole office know about how bad the soy sauce they added to the food last night was so salty?

The person who keep asking about the time when there are sources right beside, like a watch, cell phone, or the laptop they use.

Are you blind or just plain lazy? If you can’t tell the time from these sources, bring your Hello Kitty alarm clock when you come in.

The person who keeps asking if it is raining when the window is on the other side of the half-height divider.

Tilt your head up a bit; it won’t kill you to do so. And even if you can’t see, listen to the water continuously drumming the roof and window. Still don’t get it? Check out the puddle of water leaking through the window and near your feet.


The person who keeps asking if you have a phone charger that fits their phone

Look at my phone for Pete’s sake, I leave it plain sight for you to see the type of connector I need. And if you still don’t believe it’s incompatible with yours, its spelled U-S-B.

The person with the “I Want Nobody But You” ring tone at full volume and never answers it

It was okay the first few times, but after that it punches holes in ear drums. What are you, deaf? Answer that sucker already! Or we might be forced to put it out of its misery.

The person who says they are not an expert on a certain rule but start quoting parts of it in verbatim

Skip the false humility already. We know you’ve been working here for 20 years and know your way around the rules already. Just quote the applicable rule instead of the numbers above or below it.


The person who doesn’t but their chair back under the table at the end of the day

How much effort does it take to push it back anyway? You can use either your hand or feet, even monkeys can do it.

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