Annoying Habits Part 2 – Malls

People go to malls for a variety of reasons. Some go to shop, watch a movie, or just to kill time. In my case, I drop by malls to write because it simply provides me with a different environment.

Before I drop by my favorite spot, I take about an hour or so to walk around and check out what’s new. If I find something, specially with Christmas coming, I end up buying it.

As I go around the mall, I can’t help but observe the people around me. Unfortunately, it’s the really annoying ones that stick.

The person who texts while walking

These people are horrible. They either walk painfully slow or get in the way of people who have better things to do. What’s worse is these people change direction without warning.

Modern computers can multi-task but it is clear that these people cannot. Oh sure, they are able to chew gum and walk at the same time, but texting plus walking is just not part of the design.

You know, I’ve heard of people falling in to manholes due to texting but sadly, malls don’t have any.

The person who stops right before boarding an escalator

Picture this, you’re with your sweetie, holding hands, talking about sweet nothings as you are about to board the escalator. Then suddenly the person right in front of you stops. You run into them and they look back and give you the evil eye.

You probably apologize to them hoping to speed things up. But instead of immediately hopping on that next step, they stop again, mesmerized by the escalator’s movement. After timing their steps, they finally hop on and almost fall on you and your sweetie.

Arg! What the heck is wrong with you? If you have to stop each and every time before boarding, then obviously escalators are not for you. Go take the elevator or stairs. Then when you get home, call you parents and berate them for carrying you too long as a child.

The person who stands right in front of the TV you are watching

Appliance centers need something to attract attention and that spectacular 40-inch LCD is perfect to show the newest Autobot wiping the floor with that Deceptecon.

But when some slob, with his crack showing, decides to plant himself in front of you, it is downright disgusting.

Hey buddy, I signed up for a PG rated movie, not a R-rated one so maybe you can roll over to the right a bit. Oh yeah, while you’re at it, hitch up those pants, will you?

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