Annoying Habits Part 3 – Driving

The person who texts while driving

You’ll find these people text at the worst places like intersections or pedestrian crossings.

Unlike walking driving is something people cannot do as a multi-tasking activity. It just takes too many resources to guide a couple of tons of steel through a straight road.

And while the car’s onboard computer can do hundreds or maybe thousands of calculations per second, humans have trouble doing one thing for even a minute.

What the heck ever gave you the idea you can continue driving and texting at the same time? You know it’s wrong as you complain about others doing it, yet you do it yourself. Next time, do yourself a favor by using some of your brain’s processing power on common sense. It may help keep you and others safe.

The person who uses hazard lights when backing up

In all the decades I have been driving, I have never seen anyone use their emergency or hazard lights when backing into a parking slot. That’s what back up lights are for.

Hazard lights are to warn people of danger, and not for backing up. A better option would be to use a signal light so other drivers know if you will be backing up to either the left or right. Using hazard lights make it look as if you learned to drive from a console game.

Motorcycle drivers who overtake on the right

Motorcycles are hard to see on the road due to their size. Coupled with a car’s blind spot, they become invisible

So when motorcycle drivers overtake on the wrong side of the road, it becomes downright dangerous for both drivers. The worst part is that motorcycle drivers love overtaking at intersections because this is where cars are at their slowest speed.

If you want to clean out the gene pool by committing suicide, go for it. Just make sure to do it on your own time and not involve others. After all, not everyone is as dumb as you are.

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